Thursday, September 07, 2006

15. Death-defying feats... does Steve Irwin classify as a tragedy?

A variety of "tragic" events will, unfortunately, occur throughout time. 16-year olds will be involved in car accidents, oblivious HIV-positive mothers in Subsaharan Africa will give birth to infected offspring, and occasionally, terrorists will blow themselves up, and occasionally, somebody will be stung in the heart by a stingray.

Which of these things is not like the others? Simple IQ test question.

I think this group is more fitting: occasionally, somebody will fall off of a motorcycle during a "death-defying" stunt... or somebody who has a lot of unprotected homosexual sex will be diagnosed with HIV... or a member of the bomb squad will blow himself up... or a crazy Australian (who likes to feed wild crocodiles while carrying his infant child) will, after surviving a thousand instances of disturbing dangerous wild animals in their natural habitats, be stung in the heart by a stingray.

I liked Steve Irwin and I was as upset about his death as any average American... but I just want to remind people of the old idiom: "you play with fire, you wind up burned"... "you play with stingrays, you wind up stung."

At least he can serve as a posthumous example of what NOT to do (for kids). Don't play with crocodiles and stingrays... because if you do, they'll eventually kill you.


Edwin said...

may be it's because he's the only animal lover i ever admired, but i really think that his death was a freak accident.

Anonymous said...

If People were smarter, they wouldnt use terms like "redneck"

Anonymous said...

if people were smarter, they wouldnt use terms like "redneck" as you did on Scott Adams blog.