Thursday, November 24, 2005

3. A Mathematical Justification for my Life Theory

Time is money; therefore, time=money
Girls require time and girls require money; therefore, girls = (time)(money)
Since time = money, girls = (money)(money) = (money)^2
Money, of course, is the root of all evil; therefore, girls = (the root of all evil)^2

So, girls = (the square root of evil)^2
Therefore, girls = evil


Manu said...

Consider this proof

Theorem 1.1: Girls are evil.

Proof: A similar line of logic can be used to establish the same, but with less mathematical errors.
Simple Facts:
(1) It is well known and accepted that money is a root for evil. Also note that loss of money is considered evil.

(2) Now, one who has experience with girls would agree that they require both time and money.

(3) loss of time => loss of money The converse, less loss of time => less loss of money is also acceptable.

Now, proof by contraposition can be used as follows:

Suppose one is not evil, then it can accepted by axiom (1) that it does not involve money or loss of money. Now, girls require money. And girls require time => girls involve loss of money. So the one assumed is not a girl. Therefore not evil => not girl. Hence the contrapositive girl => evil is also true.


Note: If you don't realize, this line of argument is fallacious as it can also be applied to education, life, healthcare,... things that we consider good.

Anonymous said...


anyways, he (shan) stole this logic from me, his younger brother... and i stole it from my friend... so... yeah

Anonymous said...

this site is dead... just like disco...